The Not-So-Meek Will Inherit
July 10, 2023

I’ve been binge-reading “cozy” murder mysteries set in the 1920s and 1930s. (I do question the coziness factor, since someone is always being murdered and how cozy could that be, really?) Invariably, in the books an elderly person has been helped along out of the world in some manner; poison was a great favorite among disgruntled heirs of the time. The investigators’ first step was always to locate the will and find out who would inherit. Fast forward to present day:
The nine-year-old (yes, the same one) just got back from a week with his dad spent visiting his out-of-state grandparents. He enjoyed himself, but it seems it was the tiniest bit of a trial for him. While he was visiting there, his time on electronic devices was more regulated than I typically can manage with him, although I do try. Since he knows I spend a lot of time working on my own electronic devices, I get a lot of “What about you?” in those conversations, like I’m also nine years old.
We’re hanging out at my place today and he’s taking a vacation after being on vacation: he’s playing on his Nintendo Switch, listening to YouTube (for kids) videos on TV, and eating McDonald’s – all at the same time. I’m on my computer doing whatever. (He informed me that the out-of-state grandparents live “so far out they don’t even have a McDonald’s”. So I guess it’s like when you’ve been camping for a week and on the way home all you can think about is pizza.) But these activities are just placeholders, since what he’s really doing is waiting for his “play date” with his aunt to play Xbox later.
As he was planning out the next couple of hours, he happened to remember a small tablet computer that I had prepped for him to play Fortnite, which we haven’t gotten out for a while. I said I didn’t know where it was right offhand. He was very concerned about that. He said when I find it, could I leave it to him in my will? I incredulously choke-laughed as a number of thoughts blasted through my mind, mostly along the lines of What?!
I’ll have the last laugh, though. He doesn’t understand how out of date that tablet will be when he finally gets it, poison notwithstanding.