September 14, 2023

I like to play a certain of game on my computer, mostly to make sure that whatever brain cells I have now will continue to be operational for an indefinite time period. I train those cells to interact nicely with each other. For a while I was obsessed with a hidden object game that included in-app purchases; I had to back away from that one when I ran the numbers on my bank account. Those tokens don’t pay for themselves. Also, you have no idea how much money it is possible to spend on acquiring electronic jigsaw puzzles. It’s collectively way more than you’d think.
My new obsession is a game (without in-app purchases) where you figure out a bunch of words from a set of scrambled letters, which I guess is just an electronic version of Scrabble with different rules. You can re-scramble the letters any number of times, or until you’re clear sick of that set of letters and bail out of that particular puzzle. Each set of letters has a “library” of words that are acceptable for that set, and a lot of the words I come up with are never in the library. Most vulgar and offensive words are out, of course, but the game will permit a surprising number of the milder rude words for bodily functions.
I was playing the word scramble today, absent-mindedly re-scrambling the letters over and over, and becoming frustrated that acceptable words weren’t coming up. I’d come up with a word that looked okay to me, but letters would be missing to complete it. I was reading the words right there, and the game was telling me the word was wrong. When I finally focused on what I was doing, I realized I was reading the letters in “text-speak”:
Srysly, IDK what I was thinking, lol.