Some Days Are Better Than Others
August 20, 2024

You know the saying, “Some days you’re the bug, some days you’re the windshield”? I’ve had a bug kind of day today. I mean, sure, it could have been worse. Not to be too dire, but things could always be worse. But really, from my perspective the universe could have given me a couple of breaks along the way.
The badness of this day actually started three or four days ago, when I opened a letter from the IRS. Normally the IRS and I get along pretty well. Things have apparently gone awry lately, however, and they say I owe them many dollars. Lots and lots of dollars, which they would like to have paid to them in what seems to me a really short amount of time.
Let me just say that there are a number of things I’m good at doing, but taxes are not listed among those things. I therefore engage some very nice people to take care of tax-related things for me, and that is something they are good at doing. The problem is that they have to work with me and my understanding of what I need to send them so that they can do my tax returns. Retirement came with ever so many government forms that were new to me, and of course there was ONE FORM that was absolutely critical to tax preparation that I managed to miss. I sure know what that one form is now! (I dare not say its name because it may awaken and enter into further deviltry.)
I’ve spent the day working damage control. My accountant told me to call the IRS asap (and when your accountant says asap you’d better believe it) because we both have questions about that one form. I called the number provided on the form and the nice menu voice said hold time would be 45 minutes to an hour. Admittedly not great, but I have to expect to take some hits along this path to redemption. I optimistically sat on hold – for over two hours. At that point a not so nice menu voice came on and said “this call cannot be completed at this time” and ended the call.
I didn’t throw my phone, and I didn’t even scream or swear. This type of event is one of the reasons I keep chocolate pudding cups in my refrigerator. I have enough of those in stock that I can try calling the IRS again tomorrow.