It’s Alive!
March 6, 2023

The preorder for The Traveler, Book 3, went live on today! After working on a book for so long it’s sort of surreal to see it leave the nest (aka my computer) and literally (get it?) take on a life of its own.
It took much longer to finish Book 3 than I had planned. Talk about writer’s block – more than once (or three times) I got stuck in a plot difficulty and it took me a few weeks to get things clear in my mind. When I write, I visualize a scene and then describe it so that the reader experiences the scene, not just imagines it: Is the air scented, do dust motes sparkle in a shaft of light from a tall window? It is cold, or does the air taste dusty in the heat of the day? Does imminent danger cause tension to rise?
The goal is to completely transport the reader into the scene so completely that their everyday reality recedes into faint background noise. When I write, the characters become so real to me that I can hear them in my head; Tristan definitely has a southern accent and Harry is snark personified. I’m pleased with the way Elena’s character has become stronger over time.
So you can see how releasing a book can leave behind an empty space. It’s a good thing I’ve got plenty more adventures for our crew before we’re done!
I hope you all enjoy reading Book 3 as much as I did writing it. I’m really looking forward to hearing what you think of it.