
Fuzzy Thinking Part Deux

I like to think I’m a sharp thinker, quick with a witty riposte or humorous insight, but I have to tell you that today I’m off the mark, out of whack, or possibly even off-center.  The “common cold” germs invaded my space this past week and my only concern has been to make sure I don’t run out of tissues.  Like Winnie the Pooh, my head is stuffed with fluff.  Unlike Pooh, my stuffy fluffiness is a direct result of this stupid cold.  Ideas being a bit thin on the ground, please bear with me while I cast about for something of interest…

I was in a grocery store a couple of weeks ago and saw something new and unusual on the shelf:  Progresso Soup has a new thing out called “Soup Drops”.  I was in a hurry at the time and didn’t stop to read the label, but I thought it was probably something along the lines of chicken broth with maybe little dumpling type things.  Curious but potentially tasty.  Nope.  I found out a few days later that, because it’s the cold and flu season and of course chicken soup, Progresso thought it would be a good idea to make chicken soup-flavored lozenges.  You could have the soothing benefits of chicken soup without actually having chicken soup.  I guess there’s a market for the convenience.  If it’s me, though, I’d add a Soup Drop or two to a cup of hot water and voila, chicken soup!

I got my fiscal feelings hurt when I bought a dozen eggs.  I completely understand what’s going on with the shortage and I’m good with all the avian flu safety measures, but I also understand that it won’t be long before I’m priced out of the egg market.  Never fear:  the AI Overlord of Information Across the Universe of All Devices, whom I’ve mentioned in an earlier blog, tells me there are a number of very reasonable and easily found substitutions for eggs in baking, such as applesauce, mashed bananas, yogurt, and silken tofu, among others.  When it comes to things like scrambled eggs and omelets, it’s anybody’s guess what would work.

I’ve been reading about how people made do during Depression Era and WWII rationing.  If someone can come up with a pie using crackers that actually tastes like an apple pie, I guess we’ll figure out how to make a souffle without eggs.