
The Kids are Alright

I’m happy to go along pretending I’m not a “senior” in my own mind, but sometimes that mental image is psychically shattered by reality. I recently passed the one-year anniversary of retiring and am apparently still alive and kicking. I… Continue Reading…



I like to play a certain of game on my computer, mostly to make sure that whatever brain cells I have now will continue to be operational for an indefinite time period. I train those cells to interact nicely with… Continue Reading…


Mistress of the Universe

As a writer, I like being in control of the story. I have the “literary” power of life and death over the characters. Not that I’m a power-crazed maniac or anything, but doesn’t that sort of make me a god?… Continue Reading…


The Not-So-Meek Will Inherit

I’ve been binge-reading “cozy” murder mysteries set in the 1920s and 1930s. (I do question the coziness factor, since someone is always being murdered and how cozy could that be, really?) Invariably, in the books an elderly person has been… Continue Reading…


Paw Patrol Forever

I was at the drug store today and automatically wandered down the toy aisle, in the same manner that whenever I’m in my car it automatically turns toward the grocery store whether I wanted to go there or not. Although… Continue Reading…


𝑳𝒆𝒕’𝒔 𝑹𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘

The weather here in the PNW has been fabulous and it’s been tough to keep the writing momentum going. I really need to get an outdoor office set up somehow. I’ve been working (I’d be lying if I said diligently)… Continue Reading…


Timing Isn’t Everything

I usually go around thinking I know everything there is to know about everything, but I recently realized that I have things to learn about the craft of writing. That may sound surprising, as (allow me an egotistical moment), having… Continue Reading…


How to Get Old (not so gracefully)

Fair warning – I’m in the process of “aging out of life”, also known as getting old, which means I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about getting old. It’s tough to reconcile, since I don’t feel old, I… Continue Reading…


Somebody’s Lion About that Lamb

It occurred to me recently that we should probably update our weather adages to reflect the actual weather we’re having these days. For instance, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” It’s early April and… Continue Reading…



Once upon a time when I was a teenager in the Midwest, Friday and Saturday summer nights were for driving around. We’d cruise the streets and take in the impromptu car shows at the local drive-ins (not the theaters). This… Continue Reading…