Hello from the galaxy…not really. =P
October 8, 2021
I am excited to share that both the eBook and paperback of The Traveler, Book 1, are now available! Becoming a published author has been a dream of mine since I was around nine or ten years old – back in pre-history, basically. So, this is a major lifetime accomplishment for me, as well as something that I hope provides a satisfying reading experience for everyone. The Traveler, Book 2, is planned for release sometime in November 2021, so keep an eye out for it on Amazon. I’m hard at work on Book 3, which will have some interesting events occur for The Traveler and his companions. What is possible for them? Just about anything! And here’s a surprise just for you!! Scroll down to read an excerpt from The Traveler, Book 2!
The Traveler, Book 2 Excerpt:
The air was chill under the house, despite summer nearing its end. It was also very dark; sunlight didn’t extend beyond the edge of the foundation. The soil was cold but dry. The burrow Harry had chosen turned out to be surprisingly lengthy, extending much farther underground than one would have expected based upon the small opening. The tiny den at the end was barely large enough for Harry to turn around in, but he had curled himself into a tight little ball and was finally able to give himself over to sleep. He felt sorrow, but also held onto the hope that when he emerged, he would be strong again and could resume his friendship with Tristan.
As was usual for his stasis periods, Harry first slipped into a regular sleep cycle. As he gradually relaxed, he drifted into a normal sleep. Once his brain entered a deep-sleep state, his metabolism began to slow incrementally, until it reached the point that it would be difficult to ascertain whether Harry still lived. His heartbeat slowed along with his breathing; once or twice a minute, then once or twice an hour, and so on. At the apex of the measured process, Harry might breathe once every cycle of Earth’s moon. In this way, Harry entered into stasis and could stay this way for a very long time.
Over the eons of his life, Harry’s cells had evolved to carry high levels of oxygen, and his lungs had developed the ability to rebreathe exhaled air without poisoning himself. At stasis levels, the rebreathing process could continue indefinitely. The unusual chemical processes that rebuilt Harry during stasis would make slow, deliberate use of his existing mass, molecule by molecule, for the energy needed to continue changing his body. When his existing mass was used up, any mass surrounding him would be drawn in as needed and included in the process; the size and configuration of his body could change with the inclusion of such additional mass. As Harry lay in stasis, his strange, singular evolution continued. Cells found new instructions to create new things within him. New structures were built, molecule by molecule. New ways of delivering energy to body parts came to be. Energy levels were minimal still, but sufficient for the immediate purposes.
Harry usually dreamed during stasis, but often didn’t recall the substance of those dreams. This stasis was different; he didn’t dream at all. Instead, as this stasis became deeper, he relived a single lifetime of immense consequence.