
Catching Up

Here we are, looking back at summer and ahead to everything else coming up. I knew summer was over two or three weeks ago, though; my young grandson told his mother and me that we needed to start planning his Halloween costume. This was said with some urgency, like we might run out of time to get it done. I respect his planning acumen, as well as his clear understanding of how things actually do get done in this family. He’s just about right with the timing. I feel compelled to confess that this past week I bought Christmas presents, but I’m keeping that undercover for now.

I’ve mentioned before that I’m a big fan of planning. I’m in the process of sending Book 3 out to my beta readers and I’ve begun outlining Book 4, which involves me brushing up on my quantum mechanics knowledge. I have to laugh at that statement, though; the nerve of me, implying that I might understand quantum mechanics! Without the underlying mathematical prowess that physicists have, I’m basically at the “See Spot run” level. I’ve read (repeatedly) a boatload of articles and information related to quantum mechanics, but Spot could be in a world of hurt if someone wanted her to explain particle physics.

I love writing fiction, and most especially science fiction. There are only the boundaries of my imagination to fence me in. I don’t need to fully understand quantum mechanics in order to engage in “what if”; I just need to envision a multiverse where quantum mechanics is used on something like a daily basis. So – no worries, mate!